Monday, January 24, 2005
This weekend I took a short break from Vanity Fair (which I am loving) to clear a couple of library books off my shelf. The first was 21 Dog Years: Doing Time @ by Mike Daisey. This is a book based on his one man show about his job at Amazon. He started there in the late 1990s and his stories about the customer service department and the oddballs and misfits that Amazon courted to work there are very funny. The book gets a little less funny and more angry as he tells how he moved up into business development and discovered that the funky online bookstore he thought he was working for was becoming just another business selling everything under the sun and run by the MBA business types he'd disliked in college, all the while sensing the spectacular crash that would level many start-ups. As much about discovering himself as it is about Amazon, it's a funny, quick read.
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