
Monday, February 28, 2005

I haven't had a chance to read much lately what with work stuff and the enormously enjoyable WonderCon sucking up all my reading time, but I did manage to finish Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray this weekend. I took my time with it, reading a couple of chapters here and another there, spacing it out over a month or so. It follows two women, Becky and Amelia, through their lives and the rise and fall of their fortunes, from the time they both leave school until they reach middle age. I enjoyed it a lot and was almost reluctant to finish and leave it behind. I'm sure it's been analyzed to death and I don't have anything new to add, so I'll just say that I thought Becky was a wonderful character and despite the narrator's moralizing protestations every couple of chapters, you could tell he thought so too. Really, it was nearly perfect and one I'm sure I'll be rereading many times.

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